To get a great social media platform that you can be proud of and represents your brand, there is some planning involved. If you already have content I can help you create a layout that is coherent and has a natural flow. By having a schedule on when to post you get rid of the stress of having to find the right content in the moment which often leads to not as nice of a feed.
Finding the right content and creating it is what most people find the most difficult. This is where I come in, I can provide lifestyle shots of your products along with finding other engaging content. Unique and keyword-dense content that motivates people to engage with your brand. Plus, let’s tell your brand story to your target audience.
I can help you with interacting with your followers. It’s an important part of showing that you care about the people that follow you. So I can respond to comments, interact on followers profiles, answer questions responding to link requests and more. I can also come up with competitions to get a better engagement and to grow visibility for your brand.
Through a thorough weekly analysis we get a reassurance on what is working and what isn’t working as well. I can show you the increase in followers/comments and what content had the highest engagement. This way we can make sure that we are delivering the best content for your brand and your audience. Also to make sure that we are align with your short and long term goals.
Need help with your social media?
Find out how I can help you maintain a high quality social media presence